About the Hoosiers Group
The Hoosiers Group is a corporate group operating a wide range of “housing” businesses including Condominium apartments business, Condominium apartments for seniors businesss (CCRC), Real estate investment business, and Condominium management and related services.
Hoosiers is a nickname for people of Indiana, a U.S. state in the Central United States.
Residents in this area cherish their broad and rich living environment although it is not a high-income area like metropolitan areas. Our company name embodies our desire to “enrich the housing in Japan.”
Since its founding, the Hoosiers Group has always strived to meet ever-diversifying needs of customers by capturing the essence and embracing changes, with the aim of enabling our customers to live “the life that they always wanted.”
Even in these uncertain times, we hope to be “A Social Impact Developer®” which offers solutions to various social issues while adapting to changes and innovating customers’ lifestyle through our business.
Received the Good Design Award in FY2023DUO SCENE Omiya
Received the Good Design Award in FY2022
The Hoosiers Group
in Numbers
(As of March 31, 2024)

※Not yet a holding company then.
Total number of units supplied
(*Number of units supplied in Condominium apartments, Condominium apartments for seniors, and Houses)
Targets for the final year of the Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2026)
Number of employees (consolidated)
Ranking of number of condominium units supplied
(by Real Estate Economic Institute Co., LTD)
Environment Surrounding the Company
Vitalization of city centers
/regional economyRegional cities are facing the accelerating hollowing-out because of an increase in vacant houses due to depopulation and withdrawal of commercial facilities and store closures in city centers.
To revitalize city centers, local governments need to create prosperity through redevelopment and integrate various city functions. However, they face challenges such as their financial difficulty and insufficient voluntary private investment.
Preparation for super-aging society
Japan has become a super-aging society (a society in which those aged 65 or older account for more than 21% of the total population) in 2007. The aging rate is expected to continue to increase to approximately 30% in 2025 and approximately 40% in 2060.
Meanwhile, about 80% of seniors are capable of living on their own without nursing care, and there is an increasing need for housing for these active seniors to be able to live a comfortable life in good health.
Diversifying housing needs
Along with the drastic changes in the world, people’s lifestyles also keep changing.
To meet diversifying housing needs, we, real estate companies, need to keep searching for what kinds of housing customers want and what we need to do to provide customers with housing functions and services they enjoy.
Our Strengths
The Hoosiers Group’s strengths are planning capability, proposal capability, and product development capability to meet diversifying individual needs, rather than simply offering standardized products and services nationwide.
In hopes of being a developer to solve social issues behind individual needs, we take advantage of these strengths and have implemented the following initiatives to directly address “environments surrounding the Company.”
Contribution to regional revitalization
With an aim to revitalize regional cities on the decline due to aging population and depopulation, the Group aggressively participates in redevelopment projects of city centers. In addition, we are committed to pursuing “optimal solutions” for each region in cooperation with local governments and communities, rather than simply building “infrastructure,” to contribute to regeneration of regional communities, creation of prosperity, securing of residential population, etc.
Provision of new lifestyle to adapt to super-aging society
The Group is focused on building new houses for healthy seniors including “DUO SCENE,” condominium apartments for seniors. We help healthy seniors realize their dream life and contribute to solving issues of the super-aging society by providing products and services that allow healthy seniors to live long in good health and spirits.
Product development capability to achieve “dream life”
In the modern society with diversified lifestyles, the Group always addresses changes of the times, provides products and services meeting various housing needs and offers new lifestyles that brighten people’s lives. Our initiatives have received recognition from society, with some of them receiving the Good Design Award.