The Group recognizes climate change and environmental pollution, etc. as social issues that it should address as a company. So, we will contribute to realization of sustainable society by providing eco-friendly products and services through appropriate use of resources and resource- and energy-saving initiatives, etc. We will also comply with environmental laws and regulations and promote appropriate environmental management.

Goals and Achievements

Response to climate changes


  • Development of eco-friendly property
    • New condominiums for sale: Make all properties to be supplied meet the requirements of ZEH-M Oriented or higher by FY2030
    • New rental property (DBJ Green Building certification): Start constructing one property every year
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduction of energy consumption
  • Utilization of renewable energy


  • For the development of eco-friendly property and the total greenhouse gas emissions, please refer to “To conserve natural environment”.
  • The Group are selling detached houses equipped with solar panels* (Duo Avenue Aobadai).
    * Using the flat-rate solar power generation service offered by TOKYO GAS CO., LTD. (“Zuttomo Solar Flat Plan”)

Appropriate resource utilization and procurement of goods


  • Reduction of water consumption
  • Promotion of sustainable procurement


  • In developing residences for sale, the Group has installed water-saving equipment as standard feature, promoted the use of domestically produced or FSC-certified wood, and used low-VOC materials in accordance with the provisions of the “Green Development Guidelines.”

Pollution control and waste reduction


  • Thorough implementation of pollution prevention measures
  • Proper management and reduction of waste


  • The Group has thoroughly implemented pollution prevention measures and properly managed waste in accordance with the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act and other relevant laws and regulations.

To conserve natural environment

The Group recognizes that its real estate business has been supported by natural blessings but the business activities are placing a certain burden on nature. Also, as real estates will support people’s lives for many years to come, we consider that environmental measures regarding products and services are important issues. Accordingly, we aim to conserve natural environment by giving consideration to environment throughout the house building processes from product planning and design to maintenance and management after delivery as well as promoting initiatives to support customers’ eco-friendly activities.

Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations

Under the Medium-Term Management Plan (for FY3/22 to FY3/26), the Group is promoting ESG management with the goal of integrating business strategy and ESG strategy. In September 2023, we announced our endorsement of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. Going forward, we will further accelerate our climate change measures to contribute to the achievement of the 2℃ target outlined in the Paris Agreement. We also recognize the significance of disclosing climate-related financial information and will work to enhance the information disclosure as recommended by the TCFD. The greenhouse gas emissions for FY3/24 are as shown in the table below. For more details, please refer to the information provided below.

Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations


Unit:t-CO2 FY3/22 FY3/23 FY3/24
Scope 1 Direct emissions of greenhouse gases from business activities 3,485 3,457 3,450
Scope 2 Indirect emissions of greenhouse gases associated with the use of energy supplied by other companies 5,245 5,786 5,887
Scope 3 Indirect emissions other than Scopes 1 and 2 352,664 362,787
Category 1 Products and services purchased 184,532 203,683
Category 2 Capital goods 504 943
Category 3 Fuel- and energy-related activities that are not included in Scope 1 and 2 1,490 1,523
Category 4 Transportation and delivery (upstream)
Category 5 Waste generated by businesses 659 652
Category 6 Business trips 620 711
Category 7 Employers’ commuting 105 132
Category 8 Lease assets (upstream) 1,780 1,503
Category 9 Transportation and delivery (downstream)
Category 10 Processing of products sold
Category 11 Use of products sold 158,226 149,508
Category 12 Disposal of products sold 1,276 1,035
Category 13 Lease assets (downstream)
Category 14 Franchise
Category 15 Investments
Other 3,472 3,095
Total (Scope 1, 2 and 3) 8,731 361,907 372,123

Development of eco-friendly property

New condominiums for sale

The Group is working to develop Zero Energy House (ZEH) for new condominiums for sale toward the goal to “make all properties to be supplied meet the requirements of ZEH-M Oriented or higher by FY2030.” In November 2023, we started sales of "Duo Hills Jonai (scheduled to be completed in February 2025)," our second property certified as “ZEH-M Oriented.” This property is a new condominium for sale that has acquired a certification under “BELS,” a third-party evaluation system which evaluates and certifies the energy-saving performance of buildings, and it also meets the standards for “ZEH-M Oriented.” To achieve the goal by FY2030, we will continue to promote the development of energy-efficient ZEH properties.

  • Duo Hills Jonai

    Duo Hills Jonai

New rental property

The Group has set a goal of starting construction of one new rental property with DBJ Green Building certification every year, and "Duo Flats Kawaguchi Namiki" which obtained the certification was completed in August 2023. This property promotes energy saving by using LED lighting and water-saving equipment and has also introduced efforts that give full consideration to convenience, comfort, and diversity for residents, increasing the property’s environmental and social values. We will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through obtaining ESG-related external evaluations.

  • A building evincing high “environmental and social considerations”

  • Hoosiers Hiroshima Otemachi Building


List of Properties with Environmental Certifications


Certification Name Asset Applicable Property Year of Acquisition Rating
BELS Condominiums for Sale Duo Hills Fushimi 2023 ★★★★★
Condominiums for Sale Duo Hills Jonai 2023 ★★★★★


Certification Name Asset Applicable Property Year of Acquisition Rating
DBJ Green Building Certification Office Building Hoosiers Hiroshima Otemachi Bldg. 2021 ★★
Rental Residence Duo Flats Kawaguchi Namiki 2023 ★★★

GRESB Real Estate Assessment

In the 2023 GRESB Real Estate Assessment, our company group achieved a '1 Star' and 'Green Star' rating for Hoosiers Corporation

※ GRESB ‘Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark’ is a benchmark established in 2009, primarily by major pension funds in Europe, to measure the sustainability considerations of real estate companies and asset management entities. GRESB's assessment encompasses 'GRESB Real Estate,' which evaluates initiatives in existing real estate investment properties, as well as new development and large-scale renovation projects, and 'GRESB Infrastructure,' which assesses efforts in infrastructure funds and assets. Our company group participates in the 'GRESB Real Estate Assessment.

  • GRESB 2023

Environmental measures at product planning and design

At the design and construction stages of residences for sale, the Group provides eco-friendly products and services based on the “Green Development Guidelines” and “Standard Specifications,” which stipulate environmental performance policies and specifications.

Consideration for biodiversity

In building a community, the Group works out a land usage plan and planting design that take into account not only comfort for residents of our properties and regional residents but also the surrounding environment and ecosystem.

Support for eco-friendly activities by the property management association

The Group posts information on garbage segregation and recycling on the bulletin board for residents of the properties under our management and implement initiatives to support energy saving activities in daily life. We also cooperate with the property management associations and local residents in eco-friendly activities to promote formation of local communities and foster awareness of the environment toward conservation of natural environment.

Purchase of green electricity

The Group purchases RE100-compliant green electricity (100% renewable energy) at Marunouchi Head Office (Marunouchi Nakadori Building). In FY2023, we purchased approximately 180,000 kWh (equivalent to 84t-CO2) of electricity, resulting in a cumulative purchase of approximately 540,000 kWh (equivalent to 252t-CO2).

Balancing Confidentiality and Recycling

The Group has installed “Mamoru-kun,” a confidential document recycling box, for document disposal in our office. Documents placed in “Mamoru-kun” are securely processed and then recycled as paper resources, contributing to the conservation of forest resources and the reduction of CO2 emissions that would otherwise occur due to incineration. FY2023, this initiative contributed to cutting back on deforestation (equivalent to approximately 72.8 trees in total) and reducing approximately 2,098.4kg of CO2 emissions.



Reduction of environmental burden through the use of second-hand property

To meet diversifying customer needs, the Group is engaged in Real Estate Investment business mainly in developing new rental residences, and holding, selling, buying, and renting income-producing property including the second-hand property. The use of second-hand property allows us to offer attractive products for a reasonable price compared to the new ones and also contributes to reducing emissions of greenhouse gas and wastes that would have been generated in the demolition and construction of buildings.

Second-hand renovated condominium apartment business

In recent years in Japan, there is an increasing demand for renovated houses due to soring land prices in city centers and changes in people’s lifestyles, etc. In response to these increasing needs, the Group offers second-hand condominium apartments as one of the options for a new house mainly in the urban area. In addition to acquiring and reselling second-hand property in the metropolitan area, we recently work on the renovation of the entire building of condominium apartments “DUO RESTA MatsudoTokiwadaira” in Chiba prefecture.

The entire building of a 28-year-old former company housing, located in Tokiwadaira where the number of families with small children has been declining despite its good environment, was renovated into a residential apartment with a focus on its value of "spaciousness" with the aim of bringing back families with small children.

Our plans that offer diverse lifestyle possibilities, including “Doma” plan, Big laundry plan and Children‘s workspace plan in large units with 87-91m2, were recognized and recieved Good Design Award 2023.

  • "Doma" plan: "Doma" space that can be used as a storeroom or hobby room

  • Big laundry plan: Bathroom with a laundry countertop

Building revitalization through conversion

Under the concept to “support mornings of startups in early stages,” Good Morning Building, a 44-year-old building located in 2-chome, Shibuya, was converted into a shared office. TSUKURUBA Inc. that has abundant experience in planning and operation of many shared offices was engaged to convert the second through fifth floors into office floors for the exclusive use by startups. The first floor is designed to facilitate interactions between residents by introducing common facilities such as a lounge and a private coffee shop.

Good Morning Building

To prevent environmental pollution and health hazards

The Group uses a number of resources and chemical substances and generates certain wastes during the course of its real estate business. Also, the use of chemical substances may have adverse effects on natural environment and people’s health, and therefore it is essential to use them appropriately. Accordingly, we aim to prevent environmental pollution and health hazards through soil contamination countermeasures and proper management of hazardous substances and wastes.

Countermeasures against soil contamination

Before acquiring sites, the Group conducts an investigation on usage history, and a soil test by experts in case the site is suspected of soil contamination. When the soil contamination is found, we strive to take appropriate measures such as removal or containment of pollutants in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations including the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act.

Countermeasures against asbestos

As for asbestos, a hazardous chemical substance produced during the demolition work, the Group implements appropriate measures such as enclosure or conducts concentration measurements or spray status surveys by independent organizations.

Proper disposal of chlorofluorocarbon

To protest the ozone layer and curb global warming, the Group limits the use of chlorofluorocarbon (e.g. CFC, HCFC), collects refrigerants and conducts simplified and regular inspections of various equipment in accordance with the Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons and strives to inhibit the release of chlorofluorocarbon into the air. We properly dispose of chlorofluorocarbon contained in air conditioners collected at the time of renewal or demolition of air conditioning equipment.

Countermeasures against volatile organic compounds (VOCs) contained in building material

To maintain our customers’ health, the Group limits the use of materials that contain five substances (formaldehyde, toluene, xylene, ethyl benzene, and styrene) selected as certain measured substances that cause sick building syndrome developed inside the buildings in accordance with the Building Standards Act. We also check the safety of indoor environment through appropriate quality management.

Proper disposal of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

In disposing of electric equipment containing PCBs (transformer, capacitor, ballast), the Group uses an authorized waste disposal business operator to ensure proper treatment and mitigate the risk of loss or oil spill accidents, etc.

Countermeasures against nitrogen oxide (NOx) and sulfur oxide (SOx)

The Group identifies, measures and appropriately manages air pollutants. For example, we measure in certain buildings the concentration of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and sulfur oxide (SOx) emitted from smoke generating facilities, such as chilled and hot water generators and boilers, in accordance with the Air Pollution Control Act.

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