- Building houses that support various lifestyles
- Build new houses for seniors
- Make living more comfortable and richer
In the modern society where people’s lifestyles are increasingly diversified due to changes such as concentration of population in city centers and increasing nuclear families, the Group aims to create richer lifestyles by offering products and services that meet diversifying housing needs. Some of our past initiatives received the GOOD DESIGN AWARD, which proves that society is appreciative of our efforts.
Building houses that support various lifestyles
We aim to offer houses that further enrich the quality of people’s living to enable them to live “the life that they always wanted.” Recently, because of the changes in the family structure such as aging population and increasing nuclear families, people’s set of values about their living has been diversified. Accordingly, we not only develop standardized houses but also offer products and services that meet various housing needs in order to propose new lifestyles that brighten people’s lives.
Urban-type compact condominium apartments “Duo Veel” series
Recently, an increase in single-person and double-income households has expanded demand for property with easy access to stations and city centers and high asset value. In response to such change in needs, we have been offering the urban-type compact condominium apartments “Duo Veel” series for single and DINKS residents. We are recently increasing supply in Fukuoka, Sapporo, Sendai, and Nagoya in addition to Tokyo metropolitan area. Drawing on our know-how of “developing products from a female point of view” accumulated throughout the country over the years, we offer houses where “women who actively work the way they want in city centers,” our main target, can enjoy comfortable life.

Disaster prevention-type regional community “Duo Avenue Kunitachi Noble”
This project consists of houses with a theme of autonomous disaster prevention and mutual aid by residents. To build a regional community, we adopted a block planning with a park located at the center of the community so that conversations occur naturally and also implemented a system that makes residents think about disaster prevention and mutual aid in normal times by holding disaster prevention events on a regular basis. We also succeeded in establishing a system to respond to disasters autonomously and building a secure and safe community through implementation of “Yuipota,” an ICT service for the time of disaster, and provision of original disaster prevention manuals. As a recognition of these initiatives, we received the GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2019.

DIY rental housing complex “IRODORI NO MORI”
This project is a rental housing complex renovation model business with a private-public partnership using the former Higashi-Ayase housing complex of Urban Renaissance Agency. Under the concept of “from ready-made living to tailor-made living,” it was planned and designed by making full use of the potential of the housing complex and community. By letting residents get actively involved in their housing units through DIY, etc., this project aims to improve the quality and understanding of life, encourage mutual aid among residents and achieve a life with closer community ties. As a recognition of these initiatives, we received the GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2020.

Build new houses for seniors
The Group is focused on building new houses for healthy seniors to create the “dream life” which was not available before. Recently, the rapidly aging society has increased the number of the seniors requiring care, creating various social issues including shortage of nursing facilities and deteriorating social insurance finance. In response to such situation, we offer products and services that allow healthy seniors to live a long life in good mental and physical health, with an aim to help realize the “dream life” as well as contribute to solving issues of super-aging society.
Condominium apartments for seniors “DUO SCENE” series
With the concept of “Enjoy the life that you dream,” the Group offers “DUO SCENE,” condominium apartments for seniors, as houses where our customers can live a truly rich and comfortable life. This series has a system that allows residents to start working on preventive medicine and care prevention while they are healthy by offering barrier-free condominium units and extensive common facilities as well as enhanced services including 24-hour concierge and partnering with medical institutions. Our aim is to offer houses where our customers can extend healthy life years and enjoy “their own lives” as long as possible.

Acquired the highest grade “JCR Social Finance Evaluation*1” from Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR)
In August 2021, we acquired the highest grade “Social 1*2” from JCR for a syndicated loan to finance the development of “Duo Scene Funabashi Takanedai.” Our efforts recognized in the evaluation include our contribution to solving social issues by providing high quality housing that meets the needs of the super-aging society with an aim to realize the Japanese version of CCRC.
*1 Financing made available exclusively to projects that improve
*2 Granted to social finance receiving the highest grade in both social impact evaluation and management, operation, and transparency evaluation

Nursing care insurance business “RiRe SCENE”
Japan has been promoting to build a regional comprehensive care system which provides “house,” “medical care,” “nursing care,” “prevention,” and “daily life support” in an integrated way by 2025 when the baby boomer generation will be over 75 years old so that they can continue to enjoy their own lives until the end of their lives in the familiar area even after a high level of nursing care becomes necessary. To play a part in such an initiative, the Group manage condominium apartments for seniors “DUO SCENE” series as well as the nursing care insurance business. We provide services including home care support, Home-visit nursing care and adult day care service to residents of DUO SCENE and regional senior residents.

Make living more comfortable and richer
The Group aims to become "A Social Impact Developer®" which offers solutions to various social issues while adapting to changes and innovating customers’ lifestyle through its business. Since its foundation, we have conducted our business with the goal of delivering the “dream life” to many people, but people’s “dream life” has been changing with the rapid changes in the world. So, in order to continue delivering the “dream life” to our customers, we will always try to understand the changes in the times and improve the quality of our products and services.
Product development that creates scenes
We always begin our product development by imagining scenes of everyday life of people who will live in the apartment.
A refreshing scene where people leave their apartments and walk through the common area to go to work in the morning.
A proud scene where people walk through an avenue to get home.
A happy scene where people share laughter with their family in the living room.
To create irreplaceable moments that can only be experienced in this city and this land, we will develop products that create scenes by imagining the diverse lifestyles of those who will live here and expanding our imagination to envision diverse scenes from various perspectives.

“fit kitchen” that makes your family smile
Community formation support “COCO COMMU”
Both a joyful life and a life that is secure even in times of need can come from a comfortable community. We will provide support to form an ideal “exciting community” to make every day after moving in safe and fulfilling.
【Examples of Events】
・“Neighbors Sunday,” a resident social gathering to get to know each other

Scenes from Neighborhood Sunday
Information sharing on future living ‘Lab for the ”dream life”’
‘Lab for the ”dream life”’ thinks about future living together with our stakeholders through columns and surveys about everyday life and interviews with various community building experts and shares it with the world. We will use insights obtained from surveys and research for our product development.